Two Months Old...Already!
Owen showing off holding his head up high.

We're mobile!!

Just since the last posting Owen has grown and changed. It's hard to believe and awesome to see...but I'm sure it will always be that way with him. All of a sudden Owen loves tummy time and started holding his head up good and high and very steady last week. He loves to look around and can roll from his tummy to his truthfully the "rolling" part is because his head is so big and heavy but we're still proud of him. Mom must have rubbed off on him these past weeks because he is very chatty when he wants to be "oohing, aahing, and cooing" as well as still doing his little happy squeals. He likes to try to sing along with Mom sometimes we've noticed.
We went to Watertown for a visit with everybody yesterday and that was very nice although we were missing some aunts and uncles on the Leonard side. As usual Owen traveled very well and was a crowd pleaser after his grumpy morning passed.
Mom and Dad are still doing good. Mom goes back to work this next Friday and is/isn't looking forward to it..I'll definitely miss being home with Owen as well as being a little homemaker.
Well, baby is up from his nap and ready to play again so I wish everyone a pleasant weekend and enjoy the beautiful weather!
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