Hello To All
Happy baby!

This is Owen listening intently to his Mom's rambling.

Aunty Em, Aunty Em...

Hi to everyone from all of us here....hope your summer is going great. We have been baking here the last two days but tolerating it with the help of some a/c. Chris has been working hard and just received a well-deserved bonus and I have been working hard at home...doing some late spring cleaning and taking care of my boys. Aunt Emma came to visit last week and spent some time with us...even bravely volunteering to change Owen's diaper! (Much to Dad's delight as it was his turn.)
Owen has been a little more awake during the day as the weeks go on and he is quickly being domesticated as I show him how to fold laundry, do the dishes, and vacuum. We play every day...he HATES tummy time but we still do it and we play with blocks and he has a squeaky book we got from the baby shower that he loves. (Probably because Mom makes all the really cool animal noises!)
Now for the biggest, greatest news: Owen has settled into a bedtime routine-bath, food, bed about 8 or 8:30 every night. He has put himself to sleep a few times now (Amen!!!) And the last two nights he has slept 6 hour stretches!!!!!Yay!!!! Granted he wakes Mom up at 2 or 2:30 since that's where the 6 hours end but it's still pretty nice. Of course now we look forward to it continuing (cross our fingers).
Well, thanks for reading th news of our household. We have a doctor's appointment in a couple of weeks so we'll definitly have more to say then if not before. Until then everyone enjoy the weather and we'll be thinking about you.
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