Adventures in Baby Land
The happy post-bath Owen

"I'm so excited...I love bathtime!"

"Aww Dad..."

Well, Owen is now almost 4 weeks old! It's hard to believe so much time has passed already. Our lives have changed a lot obviuosly....Owen rules the house now. He is a great little guy though. He's eating well, interacting a little more each week, and starting to make more little baby noises. He has a pretty good temperament and lets Mom get some very decent sleep some nights...not so much other nights. He likes his parent's bed more than his crib and some night gets pretty fussy when we try to keep him in his crib. He has had numerous sponge baths (his cord is hanging on by a thread...literallly) and we were able to document the latest.
We took Owen on his first trip this past holiday weekend to Watertown where he got to visit our friends Bill, Becky, and Lexi, the grandparents of course, and got meet Aunt Emma, and Uncles Alex and Ben and Aunt Kristy for the first time. The parents hardly got to hold Owen the entire weekend!
The three of us are getting closer to settling into a routine every day and Chris and I are just enjoying our little guy as much as we can. I know Chris wishes he could stay home with us instead of going to work and tries to make up for it by grabbing Owen almost as soon as he comes through the door each afternoon. Owen seems to love Dad time and loves looking at Chris and giving him HUGE grins more than Mom!
Enjoy the pics and keep checking for new posts although they will be somewhat randomly posted.
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