What A Big Baby!!
Owen sucking his thumb for the first time...or is it???

"My first bubble bath!" (No, he's not eating the bubbles...although he had bubble eyebrows.)

Hello to all!
Owen is 6 weeks old and growing like a champ, while using his charms on us more and more each week. We've had an exciting week since the last post. (Please take the term exciting lightly as just about everything is exciting these days) Owen has been getting better and better about trips outside the house and he went shopping with Mom last weekend and took his first trip to the new Strong (National Museum of Play) Museum...which he slept all the way through. We toured the new exhibits and gift shops and went through the butterfly house. We got a swing for him this week with lights and music hoping that it might calm him during his fussy times (which it doesn't) and allow mom to put him down a little during the day (which it does...he stays asleep during transfers from mom to swing). As the weeks go on Mom is getting more lonely during the days...I guess this never occurred to me when all these years I would've given anything to stay home after having kids. Who knew! We are REALLY looking forward to the Leonard's visiting tomorrow. But Owen is trying to help...we sing everyday and lately he's been "talking" more when we sing (proof that singing is a good thing to do) and smiling more and interacting more overall. Today the munchkin is napping in the baby front pack we have and getting a good on it looks like.
We chose a daycare...mixed emotions there because we really like it but we didn't want to have to do any child care but it's a necessity and it's only for 2 days a week. So Owen will start that the end of August a week after Mom goes back to work.
Well, that's all on our end, hope everything is great on your end.
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