Baby Checkup: 30 Weeks (?)
By far this checkup was the most involved...and nerve wracking for the parents to be.
Mom is doing well...could be gaining more weight but the doctor isn't worried too much. When we listened to the baby's heartbeat this week it slowed noticeably, got to be on the monitor for about a half an hour. They did a Non-Stress Test just to keep track of the baby's heartbeat and see if it did that slowing thing again....which it did, twice. However in Owen's defense both times were when he was moving around a lot. The doctor kept saying nothing to be worried about but just in get the drift. So we got another ultrasound to check and make sure he had a big enough 'swimming pool' in there. The 'swimming pool' is fine and the suspicion is that the baby pinched the cord a little when he was flipping around. the ultrasound the baby measured a larger size than anticipated for 30 weeks. He weighs approx. 3 lbs 14 oz and Mom is measuring a little big too. So we may have a late May baby. We got a nifty souvenir at the ultrasound...a 3D picture of the baby's foot (he was tucking his face under at the time).

We'll see how everything goes at the continuing checkups and keep updating so keep checking back. Oh and enjoy the large pictures of the mom to be.
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