Mr. Personality

The last month has been quite busy for our family. Chris has started the night shift at his job which is an adjustment but very worth it because he loves it and home life has been busy in general.
Owen amazes us more and more each day as he is more mobile and more fun. He has a little tooth coming through finally! It's so tiny and sharp but I'm sure it will come through quickly. He is enjoying the army crawl still but don't think for a second that dragging his behind around slows him down. We love to play with him and he loves to be chased...Chris described it the best when he said Owen does his version of the "baby peel-out" when you come after him. He has started to smack his lips like he is giving kisses and play attack mom or dad by coming after you with his open mouth while he growls. He is definitely a never ended source of joy and love. He is also getting more vocal...I think he talks nonstop some days. He can say "ba-ba" in response to showing him a bottle and various other noises (ma, da, ga, etc). He has had a cold for a couple of weeks now and a minor ear infection we're getting over, but he's taking it in stride and continues to be the happiest baby.
Needless to say, the last 8 months have flown by and before we know it he'll be 1 year old!!! But we love every minute of it and I hope everyone has enjoyed following us thus far...with a lot more to come.
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