It Really IS Winter

Well it finally snowed here. Not that we were waiting anxiously for it but I am sure some of us Rochestarians were beginning to think we were getting away without it this year.
The holidays went by so fast and all of sudden Owen is 7 months old! It was great spending time with family through the holidays and Chris and I got a special treat of our first night out alone. Well, not really alone being that it was a New Year's Eve dinner party, but without Owen thanks in part to Damian who readily agreed to babysit.
Owen is army crawling like a champ with surprising speed and change of direction at times. He is also sitting on his own, drinking from a sippy cup with some help, and we're starting some finger foods this month. He does the cutest little bounce on his belly when he wants to be picked up and his personality is growing everyday. He is a lot more vocal lately...probably because he's realized if he talks I don't, which I am sure is a blessed break after the last months.
Chris is loving his new job and looking forward to his career at U of R. Uncle Damian now lives in Rochester so we are lucky enough that he falls for bribes of dinner and entertainment to come over and see us. Over the coming months we're looking forward to settling into our new schedules, watching Owen change and grow, and a visit from Aunt Megan coming from Hawaii!!And Happy Birthday to those of you with birthdays this know who you are!!