Saturday, October 28, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Fall Is Here

We have had an eventful few weeks since the last post. Owen is officially on his way to being 5 months old. Owen is growing like a maniac as always, weighing in at 16 lbs and 9 oz at his doctor's visit and getting a very good bill of health as well as the usual gushes from the doctor. He took his shots like a champ again, however Mom got to spend time with 'post-shots' Owen this time around and he was not a happy camper the following day.
Owen is learning all sorts of new tricks: he now does the 'razz' daily if not continuously, causing a constant river of drool and bubbles on his face, he's doing great pushing up on tummy time and is 80% of the way towards rolling from back to tummy (if that arm would just get out of the way...), and he's reaching for everything he can see around him. In fact, he would have had eggs for breakfast today if he was a little quicker with snagging dad's food. He loves his barley cereal and eats like a champ...we've conquered sweet potatoes so far and moved onto bananas yesterday. Dad and Owen had a brief visit from the Snyders and Maxons clan last week while Mom was stuck at work so the cousins had another meeting of the minds. I've posted a pic of the two: Dylan (or Dyl Pickle as we've nicknamed him) is a month younger than Owen.
Also, Chris is in the first stages of a new job at the University of Rochester Security doing all the necessary tests prior to starting in November. We are really excited at the change although we like Strong Museum a lot.