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Owen taking after his Daddy

The Falls and Family

Owen taking after his Uncle Nels

Hello to everyone. A lot of you have said you check this everyday and for that I have to apologize that we aren't more on top of updating our page. But today I am going to try to make up for it by telling you all what's been happening and posting some pictures.
We journeyed to Niagara Falls a couple of weeks ago and spent the day there seeing the Falls, a little shopping, and a lot of walking and taking in the sights. It was fun and Owen slept through a lot of it but, as always, was a good boy when awake even though it wasn't a usual day for him.
We went to the Syracuse Zoo this week with Grandparents Leonard and Great-Grandma Leonard. It was very fun. It was definitly different and a little more enjoyable when you're not chasing anyone around (yes, we'll live it up until that day arrives).
Owen had his first taste of rice cereal this week..the doctor said we could start about this time but we still didn't want to start too early for him. However, he's been chewing his fingers, watching Chris and I intently eat our dinner every evening, and making chewing motions with his mouth for weeks now. Needless to say it's been very messy but fun. We know he's taken a few mouthfuls each time and swallowed them so we think he's doing well. Dad got to feed him last night and Owen was treated to a facial...and then a thorough bath.
We will update again in a couple of weeks as we have a doctor's visit coming up where we'll find out how he's growing, etc.
Until then everyone enjoy the fall weather (except Megan of course) and we'll be thinking of you all.