Baby Checkup: 25 Weeks
The latest visit went very well...Sara had to do the glucose tolerance test so the baby was very active after that. In fact the doctor had to chase him around a little to get a heart rate! Mom gained the perfect amount of weight this time around too.
Baby is doing very well...moving a lot and we've started playing him (and my general belly) some music via headphones. Chris has started to be a little bit more excited now that he can feel the baby's gymnastics also.
The baby room is a work in progress and hope to have some pictures to post when we are has been a lot of work as we had to sand and heavily prime the walls. We have bought a couple of furniture items for the baby room also so we're getting a lot more excited!
Look forward to comments and posts...I probably check this site as much as our peanut gallery.
We'll have another update in 3 weeks!
On a very sad note, our youngest kitty (aka our second child) Sadie passed away very suddenly this Friday. We miss her very much and are pretty upset by it. Needless to say her brother Shadow looks very lonely and it's a lot quieter and gloomier in the house.
Unless you have pets you love you won't understand how upsetting it is when one dies so suddenly.