Scary face picture!!

He's kissing his toes...or kicking himself.

It's a boy! (hint: this is looking up between the legs at the face)

Cute little feet!
Well, we're officially 18 weeks pregnant and everything is going well.
We had our latest ultrasound and the baby was very active, flipping around, kicking, and playing hide and go seek with one arm. I have also felt a lot of activity the last week so it seems we have an energetic little BOY on the way. Yup it's a boy!!!! Our name for him is Owen Christopher, a name we've had picked out for him since before he came along. And we are very excited about him!
Enjoy the pics...they are very good for the most part. The technician was able to a get a shot of his face but she was a little too close and it looks kind of scary.
We'll update again the end of the month after our next checkup, so until then we'll continue to enjoy the comments.