Mommy & Owen (Camping at Letchworth in August)

Daddy & Owen at Ontario Beach

Dylan & Owen in Our Wagon

I don't remember putting this in the cupboard!

Hot off the Press...Owen this morning.

Yeah, yeah. It's taken me a long time to finally update our blog and I am sorry for that to all our faithful readers. A lot has happened this summer, from Owen growing like a weed, to Chris working a lot, to me starting school this fall.
As I am writing this Owen is unloading the bookcase in the den. You can't really blame him because he loves books lately, even if they are grown up books with no pictures he likes to take them off the shelf and give them a quick look. He has definitely turned into a little boy over the last months. He started really walking at about 13 1/2 months and has now conquered running and climbing, unfortunately for us. He has gotten 6 new teeth: his top 2 molars and 3rd and 4th bottom front teeth are about 1/2 way in, and a couple bottom molars are still making their way up. We took him for his first big boy haircut last week because the back of his hair was very full and getting ratty easily. He did phenomenally well at the cut, sitting on daddy's lap and sucking a lollipop I got him for distraction. I totally forgot the camera though so we have nothing to share with everyone. He's also coming out with a new word almost every day. He can say the usual mama and dada, as well as a version of turtle, shadow, dog, walk, eat, juice, snack, milk, euw, down, up, book, night-night, morning, bath, ball, poo-poo, baby, mine,and so on and so forth. He has a great sense of humor and loves to 'play' with the cat (read: torture the cat).
Daddy has been golfing the summer away and working like a maniac. And I have been working and starting college at U of R this semester to work towards by bachelor's of nursing degree.
This fall is going to be very busy so I may not get to updating this again for awhile. Chris and I have close friends getting married, a vacation coming up, people having babies, and life as usual, not to mention a visitor coming in December.Until next time, take care and keep checking for the next post!!